The Beauty of Friendship

True friends bring joy, light, and laughter into our lives. They are the people we love to share our highs and lows with, the people we make memories with, and the people who make us feel understood.  A friend is someone who pushes you to grow.

Friendship is a beautiful and precious gift given to us by God.  The Bible tells us of the importance of friendship in Sirach 6:14-17.  It reads, “Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a treasure.  Faithful friends are beyond price, no amount can balance their worth. Faithful friends are life-saving medicine; those who fear God will find them.” 

Even though we know how important friendship is, sometimes it can slip to the bottom of our lists when life gets crazy.  Whether we are dealing with a busy season at work or having trouble managing our responsibilities at home, catching up with a friend over a cup of coffee or taking a half hour to chat on the phone can seem unrealistic and even selfish.  And then, when we haven’t seen friends for a while, it can seem easier to isolate ourselves instead of reaching out.  When we fall into this pattern, the life-giving, priceless friendships we once had can really start to suffer, and so can we. 

According to the American Psychological Association, “having social connections is one of the most reliable predictors of a long, healthy, and satisfying life.”  Platonic friendships not only offer positive health effects, but help prevent negative ones, including depression and anxiety.  These relationships prompt us to become comfortable and vulnerable with others, create meaningful connections, and experience greater joy in our lives. 

While family takes precedence, of course, we want to stress that working on friendships and forming positive relationships is not only important, but essential for all of us.  Having supportive, strong, compassionate women around us who model our values does not only make us happy– it also helps us become better people.  

At Home Unlimited, allowing the opportunity for women to form these personal relationships is paramount to our mission.  We host in-person seminars because we believe in the value of connection, tacit knowledge, and trust.  Our goal is to provide you the skills you need to run your homes well along with a community of women to support and encourage you in doing so.  

Learn more about our Methodology here. 

11 Ways to Make
New Friends

We know that in a digital and busy world, it can be difficult to make friends, especially as adults.  Here are some ideas of how to branch out and meet new people!

1. Join a book club

2. Join a Facebook group for women in your area

3. Join a faith community for women

4. Attend local or church events with your family

5. Initiate coffee or a playdate with a mom you’re acquainted with 

6. Volunteer with an organization you believe in 

7. Introduce yourself to other women at your church

8. Participate in events at your children’s school or find a homeschool co-op with other parents like you

9. Take a class in something you are interested in (example: pottery, cooking, painting)

10. Join a gym or women’s sports league 

11. Attend a Home Unlimited seminar in your area 

Journey of Friendship Seminar in Houston

Today’s newsletter is all about friendship, something the Art of Living for Women ladies in Houston know all about! 

Their most recent event was a seminar called Journey of Friendship where they discussed how friendships need to be nourished to flourish.  A great friendship doesn’t just happen.  It takes time and dedication to make a relationship grow.  

The ladies also learned about wine pairings which, similar to friends, involve two different but complementary things that work wonderfully together.  Enjoy these photos from the event and check out our Seminar Blueprints to learn about other events like this one!

Make sure to follow @HomeUnlimitedInc on Facebook and Instagram  and subscribe to our newsletter for information on our latest seminars, tips and tricks for your home, and more! 


Mother’s Day: A Celebration of Life and Fruitfulness


Welcoming New Relationships